Mighty Magiswords Wiki

The Mysterious Hooded Woman (who is also sometimes called MHW) is an enigmatic character who appears in Mighty Magiswords. Her name comes from the fact that she wears a purple robe and her face is never shown.


Her personality remains mysterious; however she can be humorous at times, as she used the power of the Golden Spectacles on herself, did ventriloquism while singing "Aba Daba Honeymoon", and wanted to use Grup's cave to host a rave. She also has a tendency to appear out of seemingly nowhere (a trait that often spooks Prohyas, who, after almost every time she spooks him, would respond with "AAAGH!, Stop doing that!").

3-minute Shorts[]

She first appeared at the end of "Dolphinominal", where she caught Phil (who had been flung away by Prohyas) in her arms. When asked if she was a beautiful woman under the hood, she responded "I don't get a lot of complaints".

She then had her first major appearance in "Bark Attack", where she ordered Prohyas and Vambre to travel to the Deepest Darkest Woods to retrieve the Golden Spectacles from the Tree J. After recieving the spectacles, she gave the Warriors for Hire there payment for the hover swords. She then wears the Spectacles and starts acting like a DJ stating she needed the spectacles for a "Drive Time Show".

She was mentioned in No Robots for Old Men in which the Warriors for Hire were hired to get her the Persimmon of Urgency when they were interrupted by Old Man Oldman, Robopiggeh, and Prug and later Nohyas.

5-minute shorts[]

She made her first appearance in "The Desolation of Grup", where she hired the Warriors to vanquish Grup. Rather than slaying him, they beat him in several contests. They were afraid she wouldn't be pleased until she revealed that she wanted his cave to host a rave. She seems to be a fan of the rave culture because of this, as she is seen dressed in rave attire.

In "Champion of Breakfasts" MHW uses her feet to eat chips. Witchy Simone finds it disgusting she did not use dip. she has a friend called Human Woman number HWD-1.


  • The influence of her feet and face not being visible was from creator Kyle Carrozza poking fun of the series' micro-shorts' tight budget at the time.