(Edited by Shollkee Karaoke Records On Famdom)
I haven't been in this wiki for ages but I think it's time to make this open since everyone knows.
For those that don't know, the show's creator Kyle Carrozza was arrested on June 2024 for possession of child pornography, and was released days later on bail but has court hearings, is on a 3 year probation and has to register as a sex offender. We here at the wiki do not condone his actions.
Which is where I come to say this.
I may not be active in here any more as I used to be...
But please do not vandalize any of these pages in regards to Carrozza's charges/arrest. While we don't condone his actions, we also don't condone vandalism here and it's annoying having to clean up after people that like to make this into a joke.
So please keep all this in mind.
Good day..,
A New OC for My Fan Season 3 of Mighty Magiswords to share with a user named @Hroupe1 after seeing his post
Kumojoka Arachnos is a spider monster who lives in cave full of monstrous spiders and was very friendly towards visitors who comes to his cave. his signature Magiswords are Soda Popper, which shoot out any flavor of soda and Scorpion, which causes stings that release a random venom effect. Sometimes it paralyzes enemies, distorts senses, or locks muscles in place.
Another OC for My Fan Season 3 of Mighty Magiswords to share and tell with my friends, @Awesomegurl3 and @Watermeloney 2008
Flinterton Ironguard is a golem who was part of a clan of powerful golems and was the descendent of a crystal golem of mysterious powers. his signature Magiswords are Curse Soul, which can conjure up curses or reverse them and Love Arrow which causes the target the arrows hit to fall in love with the first person they see